In other words, do things happen because the gods decree that they occur, or do the actions of the characters lead to the tragedy?

Posted: July 4th, 2022

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For your second essay, choose one of the following options:
1) In Antigone, several of the characters have to choose between several options, none of which are very good. Please examine the choice or choices that any one character makes. Why does the character make the choice(s), and how does it impact the play? What would the impact be had the character chosen another option? Was it is a good choice? What went into making that choice?
2) Is the play about fate or about human control of our own destiny? In other words, do things happen because the gods decree that they occur, or do the actions of the characters lead to the tragedy?
3) Though this play is over two thousand years old, it is frequently staged across the world. What is it about this play that makes it relevant to a modern audience? Can you think of any contemporary incidents that are analogous to the play?
Whichever option you choose, you must quote from the play, properly citing the quotations both in parenthetical citations and in a works cited page. From this point forward, every paper must include quotations, citations, and a works cited page, even if you just quote from one text. Failure to follow MLA formatting will cost you points.

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