In response to Baxandall’s text, I am asking you to produce a historically informed piece of creative writing

Posted: July 15th, 2022

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In response to Baxandall’s text, I am asking you to produce a historically informed piece of creative writing: a contract between a 15th century patron and a 15th century Italian painter. The contract should be about a page long and stipulate clearly what is to be painted and how, what materials are to be used, when the work should be finished, and when payment(s) should be made. Date the contract and make sure to emphasize material or skill depending on the date you choose. Think further about the painting’s setting and the impact the finished work would have in terms of the patron’s influence and reputation. Before you even start writing the contract, try to imagine the relationship between the patron and the artist, their immediate context, and what might be important to them. You make that information your own! This is a legal document, so you cannot afford any omissions or lack of precision 🙂

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