In this assignment you can capitalize and further your previous work.

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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In this assignment you can capitalize and further your previous work. You’ll be writing an approximately single (1) page (although more is welcome) “very basic” intelligence analysis on a specific problem (either the one from a assignment or another of your choosing) to include not only the elements of an “argument” (from the videos) but also using some analytical techniques you’ve learned about from your past reading in “A Tradecraft Primer: Structured Analytic Techniques for Improving Intelligence Analysis”.
You are to select and then “perform” a single technique from “EACH” of the analytical categories found in “A Tradecraft Primer: Structured Analytic Techniques for Improving Intelligence Analysis” on your specific problem/argument:
Diagnostic Technique
Contrarian Technique
Imaginative Thinking Technique
(Note: Do not use techniques that require a group or team effort … If you do your grade will be penalized)
You’ll then be developing an written analysis of what those chosen techniques informed you about your problem/argument.
Your Word document submission should conform to the following:
1″ margins
Times New Roman, 12 point font
Double spacing “0” pt. spacing between lines
Cite any references made – DON’T PLAGIARIZE!!
Submitted/uploaded via the “Intelligence Analysis #1 – Upload Your Document Here” link found in the “Assignments” section.
Following these instructions (along with the numbering below) is worth 20% of your grade on this assignment.
Your analysis paper will include the following sections (each worth 20% of the assignment grade):
Diagnostic Technique
Contrarian Technique
Imaginative Thinking Technique
Argument Section
Please write the following while also numbering the sentence(s) accordingly (the numbering is important):
#1. Please research and write “in your own words” the definition of “plagiarism” – (1 sentence minimum)
#2. Clearly and succinctly state your chosen problem – (1 sentence minimum)
#3. Post the website/article name and URL (Internet address) that provides data/information on your chosen problem from which you could make an intelligence judgement/recommendation to solve the problem – (1 sentence minimum)
(Note: Use a single online OSINT source – Do Not Seek Any Classified Information…Ever)
#4. Make an “argument” for “your” position/recommendation on your selected problem based on the data/information it provided – (1 sentences minimum)
#5. Clearly and succinctly state the “premise” of your argument – (1 sentence minimum)
#6. Clearly list the “evidence” your OSINT source provides – (1 sentence minimum)
#7. Clearly and succinctly list any “assumptions” with regards to your specific problem choice – (1 sentence minimum)
#8. Clearly and succinctly list any suspected “bias” your or the source might have on your specific problem choice – (1 sentence minimum)
#9. Clearly and succinctly state the “conclusion” of your argument – (1 sentence minimum)
Diagnostic Technique Section
Please write the following while also numbering the sentence(s) accordingly (the numbering is important):
#10. Clearly and succinctly state the “diagnostic” technique used – (1 sentence minimum)
#11. Briefly state “why” you chose the “diagnostic” technique used – (1 sentence minimum)
(Note: Do not use techniques that require a group or team effort)
#12-15. Describe what the technique told you about your argument – (4 sentences minimum)
Contrarian Technique Section
Please write the following while also numbering the sentence(s) accordingly (the numbering is important):
#16. Clearly and succinctly state the “contrarian” technique used – (1 sentence minimum)
#17. Briefly state “why” you chose the “contrarian” technique used – (1 sentence minimum)
(Note: Do not use techniques that require a group or team effort)
#18-21. Describe what the technique told you about your argument – (4 sentences minimum)
Imaginative Thinking Section
Please write the following while also numbering the sentence(s) accordingly (the numbering is important):
#22. Clearly and succinctly state the “imaginative thinking” technique used – (1 sentence minimum)
#23. Briefly state “why” you chose the “imaginative thinking” technique used – (1 sentence minimum)
(Note: Do not use techniques that require a group or team effort)
#24-27. Describe what the technique told you about your argument – (4 sentences minimum

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