In this assignment, you will create an outline for your presentation

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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In this assignment, you will create an outline for your presentation, using the format detailed below. As you proceed you may wish to refer to the Presentation Assignment Guidelines.
Outline—template (required format)
Introduce topic and intended scope
Purpose — What is the goal of this presentation?
So what? Why should your audience care?
Background of relevant law
If more than one area of law is affected, cover each area separately. Your goal is to be concise but also thorough. Focus only on including information relevant to the overall topic.
Current Impact
Provide two concrete examples of potential concerns relevant to your company.
Suggestions of ways to minimize risks
Provide two concrete examples
Final recommendations
Include a full bibliography of at least five resources.
NOTE: No outside resources are needed for this project. Your bibliography thus will be based on resources from course materials.
Please draft your topic choice and outline in a document and submit it via upload.

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