In what ways was “Orientalism” in western art related changes in western societies?

Posted: July 1st, 2022

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While viewing Civilizations: The Cult of Progress (Episode 8) (Links to an external site.) found in the Readings, Videos, and Resources section of this module, please respond to the following prompts through well-organized and appropriately detailed responses:

As evidenced in his painting titled Arkwright’s Cotton Mill, what enlightenment ideals did the painter Joseph Wright see as now prevailing over older ideals? And, what were those older ideals?
In what ways was “Orientalism” in western art related changes in western societies?
With the art of Thomas Cole, what did natural history stand in for?
In what ways were native peoples represented in Western art?
In the art of George Catlin?
In the art of Gottfried Lindauer?
In the art of Paul Gauguin?
How did the introduction of photography influence the art of painting?
List some of the characteristics of impressionism?
What was the role of “time” in impressionist art?
In what ways was Pablo Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d’Avignon seen as a break from the previous 500 years of European painting going back through the renaissance?

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