In your view, how would firms optimize their decision to choose production techniques?

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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Hello, this discussion assignment is 2 parts. The first part is answering questions based on research/knowledge. Second part is to discuss with 2 other students based on their responses. I won’t have access to other students responses unless I post my answers so I will have to send the assignment for a “revision” with the 2 responses. Please send me an additional payment link when I do so.
Here’s the assignment:
earnt about consumer behavior and utility maximization.
2. Using an economic principle discuss why we cannot grow all the world’s tomatoes in one pot.
3. In your view, how would firms optimize their decision to choose production techniques?
4. Please post at least two (2) issues/questions you are struggling with in studying the chapters for the week so that your colleagues would help you address the difficulty. Please do not post questions from the internet. These have to be your personal difficulty with the material. Also make sure that your questions are clear and not cumbersome or verbose.
5. Endeavor to respond to the set(s) of difficulties of at least two (2) of your colleagues. Please remember to make your first posting by wednesday.
6. SCAVENGER HUNT: After reading the relevant chapters, find and post any relevant videos or links to online resources that might help the class understand and appreciate the concepts being discussed better. Please take this “Peer Tutoring” activity very seriously as I’ve found it to be very useful in the past. Students have also commented that the videos and links posted by their colleagues helped them understand the material better and I’m sure you will attest to the fact when its all said and done. So, please note, such efforts will be very well rewarded!!!
5. Please list ten (10) things you have learnt from reading this week’s assignments

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