Internet Research Project

Posted: July 18th, 2022

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Internet Research Project Chapter 8 Running Your Own MNC Part A. Put your product and country at the top of your paper. Determining Whether IFE Holds Part B. Use The Wall Street Journal or another data source to record the interest rate differential between the interest rate of the foreign country in which you plan to do business and the U.S. rate over the last five or so quarters. State the dates with their corresponding rates. Part C. Then, review the exchange rate percentage change in the foreign currency of concern over each of those corresponding quarters to determine whether the international Fisher effect (IFE) appears to hold over those quarters for that currency. Part D. State your conclusions regarding the Fisher effect. Assignment Requirements: 1. Your response must be formatted utilizing the numbers & headers as provided above. 2. A minimum of one website citation is required. 3. 300 word minimum 4. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation will be considered. Your response should NOT be one long, run-on paragraph. Rubric: 15 points: ALL elements, and requirements, of the assignment are addressed in a full and comprehensive manner – that demonstrates the students understanding AND application of the material. 13 – 14 points: MOST elements of the assignment are addressed in a full and comprehensive manner – that demonstrates the students understanding AND application of the material. 10 – 12 points: SOME elements of the assignment are addressed in a full and comprehensive manner – that demonstrates the students understanding AND application of the material. 8 – 10 points: FEW elements of the assignment are addressed in a full and comprehensive manner that demonstrates the students understanding of the material. 1 -7 points: Students response does not address the question nor demonstrate understanding of the material. 0 points: not completed.

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