Interpret and analyze the information garnered from the observations

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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In the Student Plan you will interpret and analyze the information garnered from the observations and present implications for teaching and learning. When submitted to the Instructor, the full Observation Log should be included into the Student Plan assignment.
Requirements for formatting: the Student Plan should be 3-5 pages long; spacing should be 1.5; font should be Times New Roman, 12. The paper should be formatted in APA style.

CASE STUDY: Portrait of a Learner Rubric
edpn 620 assignment 4 rubric 12-30-18.docx
Candidate Name: ___________________________
Date: _________________________________
Intended Learning Outcome: Use assessment, student observations (cognitive, socio-emotional, and learning) to design and implement developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences and modifications for a specific student.

Case Study Component
Ineffective (1)
Developing (2)
Effective (3)
Highly Effective (4)
Knowledge of
A Student

InTASC Standards: 1, 6
NAYEC Standards: 3c,3b
Part I: Select a Student
-Little or no information is given on student’s age, grade, academic achievement and behavior.
-Little or no rationale is included for choosing the student.
-Little or no information is provided about student’s puzzling behavior, learning patterns, communication and/or academic challenges
-Some information is given on student’s age, grade, academic achievement and behavior.
-Some rationale is included for choosing the student.
– Some, although incomplete, information is provided about student’s puzzling behavior, learning patterns, communication and/or academic challenges.
-Complete information is given on student’s age, grade, academic achievement and behavior.
-Detailed rationale is included for choosing the student.
-Complete information is provided about student’s puzzling behavior, learning patterns, communication and/or academic challenges.
-Extensive initial knowledge of the student’s age, grade, academic achievement, and behavior is displayed.
-Detailed rationale is included for choosing the student.
-Complete information is provided and hypotheses suggested (e.g. possible developmental issues) for the student’s puzzling behavior, learning patterns, communication, and/or academic challenges.

1 Ineffective

2 Developing
3 Effective
4 Highly Effective
Demonstrating ability to complete cognitive observation

InTASC Standards: 1, 6
NAYEC Standards : I.1.a
Part II (a): Observations. Cognitive Observation
-The Cognitive Observation is missing two or more of the following: descriiption of the context, descriiption of student’s activities, comments, or inferences.
-Descriiption of student’s cognitive activity is missing, lacks detail, or unrelated to cognitive development.
-Descriiption of student’s cognitive activity is not written as an objective account of behavior but as a personal interpretation.
-Inferences are not connected to the behavior observed.
-Inferences are not substantiated with references to a relevant theory of development.
-Inferences do not include a descriiption of the student’s developmental abilities and needs in the cognitive domain.
-The Cognitive Observation is missing information in any of the following: descriiption of the context, descriiption of student’s activities, comments, or inferences.
-Descriiption of student’s cognitive activity is related to cognitive development, but lacks detail.
-Descriiption of student’s cognitive activity is written as an objective account of behavior.
-Inferences are connected to the behavior observed, but this connection is not expressed clearly.
– Inferences are substantiated with references to one relevant theory of development and supported by one course reading.
– Inferences include an insufficient or unclear descriiption of the student’s developmental abilities and needs in the cognitive domain.
-The Cognitive Observation includes detailed information in all of the following: descriiption of the context, descriiption of student’s activities, comments, and inferences.
-Descriiption of student’s cognitive activity is related to cognitive development and reported in detail.
-Descriiption of student’s cognitive activity is written as an objective account of behavior.
-Inferences are connected to the behavior observed, and their connection is clearly expressed.
– Inferences are substantiated with references to at least 2 relevant theories of development and supported by 2 course readings.
-Inferences include a sufficient and clear descriiption of the student’s developmental abilities and needs in the cognitive domain.
-The Cognitive Observation includes detailed information in all of the following: descriiption of the context, descriiption of student’s activities, comments, and inferences.
-Descriiption of student’s cognitive activity is related to cognitive development and reported in detail.
-Descriiption of student’s cognitive activity is written as an objective account of behavior.
-Inferences are connected to the behavior observed, and their connection is explained in clear and elaborate fashion.
– Inferences are substantiated with references to at least 2 relevant theories of development and supported by 3 course readings.
-Inferences include a clear and elaborate descriiption of the student’s developmental abilities and needs in the cognitive domain and suggestions are provided for supporting the student’s cognitive development.

1 Ineffective

2 Developing
3 Effective
4 Highly Effective
Demonstrating ability to complete Socio-Emotional Observation

InTASC Standards: 1, 6
NAYEC Standards : I.1.a
Part II (b): Observations. Socio-Emotional Observation.
-The Socio-Emotional Observation is missing two or more of the following: descriiption of the context, descriiption of student’s activities, comments, or inferences.
-Descriiption of student’s social/emotional activity is missing, lacks detail, or unrelated to social/emotional development.
-Descriiption of student’s social/emotional activity is not written as an objective account of behavior but as a personal interpretation.
-Inferences are not connected to the behavior observed.
-Inferences are not substantiated with references to a relevant theory of development.
-Inferences do not include a descriiption of the student’s developmental abilities and needs in the socio-emotional domain.
-The Socio-Emotional Observation is missing information in any of the following: descriiption of the context, descriiption of student’s activities, comments, or inferences.
-Descriiption of student’s social/emotional activity is related to social/emotional development, but lacks detail.
-Descriiption of student’s social/emotional activity is written as an objective account of behavior.
-Inferences are connected to the behavior observed, but this connection is not expressed clearly.
– Inferences are substantiated with references to one relevant theory of development and supported by one course reading.
– Inferences include an insufficient or unclear descriiption of the student’s developmental abilities and needs in the socio-emotional domain.
-The Socio-Emotional Observation includes detailed information in all of the following: descriiption of the context, descriiption of student’s activities, comments, and inferences.
-Descriiption of student’s social/emotional activity is related to social/emotional development and reported in detail.
-Descriiption of student’s social/emotional activity is written as an objective account of behavior.
-Inferences are connected to the behavior observed, and their connection is clearly expressed.
– Inferences are substantiated with references to at least 2 relevant theories of development and supported by 2 course readings.
-Inferences include a sufficient and clear descriiption of the student’s developmental abilities and needs in the socio-emotional domain.
-The Socio-Emotional Observation includes detailed information in all of the following: descriiption of the context, descriiption of student’s activities, comments, and inferences.
-Descriiption of student’s social/emotional activity is related to cognition and reported in detail.
-Descriiption of student’s social/emotional activity is written as an objective account of behavior.
-Inferences are connected to the behavior observed, and their connection is explained in clear and elaborate fashion.
– Inferences are substantiated with references to at least 2 relevant theories of development and supported by 3 course readings.
-Inferences include a clear and elaborate descriiption of the student’s developmental abilities and needs in the socio-emotional domain and suggestions are provided for supporting the social/emotional development. .

1 Ineffective

2 Developing
3 Effective
4 Highly Effective
Demonstrating ability to complete Learning observation

InTASC Standards: 1, 6
NAYEC Standards : I.1.a
Part II (c): Observations. Learning Observation
-The Learning Observation is missing two or more of the following: descriiption of the context, descriiption of student’s activities, comments, or inferences.
-Descriiption of student’s learning activity is missing, lacks detail, or unrelated to learning.
-Descriiption of student’s learning activity is not written as an objective account of behavior but as a personal interpretation.
-Inferences are not connected to the behavior observed.
-Inferences are not substantiated with references to a relevant theory of development.
-Inferences do not include a descriiption of the student’s developmental abilities and needs in the area of learning.
-The Learning Observation is missing information in any of the following: descriiption of the context, descriiption of student’s activities, comments, or inferences.
-Descriiption of student’s learning activity is related to learning, but lacks detail.
-Descriiption of student’s learning activity is written as an objective account of behavior.
-Inferences are connected to the behavior observed, but this connection is not expressed clearly.
– Inferences are substantiated with references to one relevant theory of development and supported by one course reading.
– Inferences include an insufficient or unclear descriiption of the student’s developmental abilities and needs in the area of learning.
-The Learning Observation includes detailed information in all of the following: descriiption of the context, descriiption of student’s activities, comments, and inferences.
-Descriiption of student’s learning activity is related to learning and reported in detail.
-Descriiption of student’s learning activity is written as an objective account of behavior.
-Inferences are connected to the behavior observed, and their connection is clearly expressed.
– Inferences are substantiated with references to at least 2 relevant theories of development and supported by 2 course readings.
-Inferences include a sufficient and clear descriiption of the student’s developmental abilities and needs in the area of learning.
-The Learning Observation includes detailed information in all of the following: descriiption of the context, descriiption of student’s activities, comments, and inferences.
-Descriiption of student’s learning activity is related to learning and reported in detail.
-Descriiption of student’s learning activity is written as an objective account of behavior.
-Inferences are connected to the behavior observed, and their connection is explained in clear and elaborate fashion.
– Inferences are substantiated with references to at least 2 relevant theories of development and supported by 3 course readings.
-Inferences include a clear and elaborate descriiption of the student’s developmental abilities and needs in the area of learning and suggestions are provided for supporting the student’s ability to learn.

1 Ineffective

2 Developing
3 Effective
4 Highly Effective
Demonstrating ability to use observation data to plan teaching for the student’s development and learning.

InTASC Standards: 1, 6
NAYEC Standards : I.1.a
Part III: Student Plan
-The Student Plan is based on the inferences from at least one observation, but is inconsistently connected to inferences from other observations.
-The Student Plan includes two teaching strategies to support the student’s learning and development.
-The Student Plan includes a general descriiption of strategies with limited or no information about how these strategies will be implemented.
-The Student Plan does not include a clear rationale for using the proposed strategies
-The Student Plan includes strategies that are supported with at least one psychological theory of child development.
-The Student Plan is based on the inferences from at least two observations, but is inconsistently connected to inferences from other observations.
-The Student Plan includes three teaching strategies to support the student’s learning and development.
– The Student Plan includes a detailed descriiption of strategies and includes some information about how these strategies will be implemented.
-The Student Plan includes some rationale for using the proposed strategies
-The Student Plan includes strategies that are supported with at least two psychological theories of child development.
-The Student Plan is based on the inferences from all three observations, and the connection between inferences and proposed strategies is clear.
-The Student Plan includes four teaching strategies to support the student’s learning and development.
-The Student Plan includes a detailed descriiption of strategies and includes a specific procedure for implementing these strategies.
–The Student Plan includes a descriiptive rationale for using the proposed strategies
-The Student Plan includes strategies that are supported with at least three psychological theories of child development.
-The Student Plan is based on the inferences from all three observations, and the connection between inferences and proposed strategies is clear.
-The Student Plan includes four specific teaching strategies to support the student’s learning and development.
-The Student Plan includes a detailed descriiption of strategies and includes a specific procedure for implementing these strategies that is described in elaborate detail.
–The Student Plan includes a highly descriiptive rationale for using the proposed strategies and offers a critical analysis of how these strategies could support the student’s development and learning.
-The Student Plan includes strategies that are supported with at least three psychological theories of child development, and demonstrates knowledge of evidence –based practices.

1 Ineffective

2 Developing
3 Effective
4 Highly Effective
Demonstrating ability to express thoughts clearly and build a well-supported argument

-Language used in the descriiption of the student’s activity, inferences, or Student Plan is unclear and difficult to understand.
-The sequence of statements and ideas lacks organization.
-There are a number of grammatical or spelling errors.
-There are several aspects of the paper that are in violation of APA style.
-Most of the language used in the descriiption of the student’s activity, inferences, and student plan is clear and comprehensible.
-The sequence of statements and ideas is mostly well-organized.
-There are a few grammatical or spelling errors.
-There are some aspects of the paper that are in violation of APA style.
-The language used in the descriiption of the student’s activity, inferences, and student plan is clear and comprehensible.
-The sequence of statements and ideas is well-organized.
-There are no more than two grammatical or spelling errors.
-There is no more than one violation of APA style.
-The language used in the descriiption of the student’s activity, inferences, and student plan is clear, comprehensible, thoughtfully expressed and eloquently stated.
-The sequence of statements and ideas is well-organized.
-There are no grammatical or spelling errors.
-There are no violations of APA style.

1 Ineffective

2 Developing
3 Effective
4 Highly Effective


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