Is it up to date with the American Association of Nurse Practitioners practice guidelines and certification expectations?

Posted: July 2nd, 2022

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Compare the roles of state board of nursing with the role of professional organizations in regulating professional practice. What are the major methods of credentialing? List the benefits and weaknesses of each method from the standpoint of protecting the public and the protection of the professional scope of practice.
So now we are going to look at the role of the state boards of nursing vs. the role of the professional organization in regulating nursing practice. While this may seem simple, it isn’t always so.
Think about your state’s nurse practice act and how it may have changed over time with the advent of the advanced nursing role and degrees. Is it up to date with the American Association of Nurse Practitioners practice guidelines and certification expectations?
What about those in nursing education? Does the National League for Nursing’s guidelines and certification expectations match what your state says about nursing practice? I know some states that require working actively in nursing don’t accept working in academia as active nursing practice even if you do clinical rotations with students.
What about the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL) and their certification vs. the American Nurses Credentialing Center of the ANA and their certification? Why are there two different ways to be credentialed in nursing leadership? Do any states recognize that type of nursing as being different from being an NP or NE?
These are some of the issues we need to think about this week. Focus on credentialing, but also look at how it matches what your state’s nurse practice acts have to say about that specialty.

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