Is our global society more balanced today in terms of an embrace of the many cultures around the world

Posted: February 14th, 2022

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Pick your favourite song, book, drink, food, movie, TV show, social media platform or sport. Just one, but it has to be FOREIGN and not of your own same culture or ethnic origin.
Tell us why you picked it. What about its culture and background influences you? How does it communicate to you about our world? How does it help you understand  better today? Is our global society more balanced today in terms of an embrace of the many cultures around the world or are we still narrow and western-centric/one-sided?
Use the questions above to help you answer. Explain it according to our PPT on  and some of your own insights and experience.
2 pages maximum, single-spaced, no references, no cover sheet required.
You will be graded on:
Critical thinking
Supporting arguments with evidence
Effective expression and communication
Interpret and applying
Making connections between concepts
Recognising Big Ideas with Meaning
I hope you enjoy writing this!

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