listing three main differences between the film and the original choreopoem/play.

Posted: July 9th, 2022

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Watch the panopto that I will send to you about Ntozake Shange and the play.
Next, read the choreopoem/play. The first few pages are an introduction by the playwright. I find this helpful though you may chose not to read it.
Next, you will need to rent the film. You can either rent in on Amazon, or Youtube also has it availableLinks to an external site.. You are specifically looking for the 2010 version that Tyler Perry directed. I can pay you accordingly in your tip if you have to rent.
TRIGGER WARNING – Both the play and the Film depict acts of violence against women, including rape. In the film, you can tell when the event of sexual violence is going to happen. Though Perry’s direction of the moment is not graphic, it can still trigger feelings. Feel free to fast forward that portion. You can still understand the story without viewing the act and still knowing it happened.
Lastly, write a comparison paper listing three main differences between the film and the original choreopoem/play. Cite 3X directly from the choreopoem and reference at least three specific places in the film. I am looking for somewhere between 450 and 500 words. MLA format for citations.

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