Look up the phrase Stockholm syndrome and explain how that may apply to Patty.

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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Using a minimum of 350 words (not including the title and reference section,) and using double-spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman font, address the following:
1. Check out the Patty Hearst story online through any Internet search engine. Do you think she was a spoiled rich girl out for kicks who freely joined the SLA, or did she do what she had to in order to survive?
2. Patty subsequently married and has two grown children. What, if anything, does that say to you about Patty’s “transformation” into a gangster?
3. Look up the phrase Stockholm syndrome and explain how that may apply to Patty.
*Do not forget to use a minimum of two academic references and include them in APA formatting.

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