Nike social impact

Posted: June 7th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a other writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.don’t worry about the rating that’s for my teacher but all you need to do is the Criteria. you already did the rough draft yesterday. Please review the social impact websites of the two companies you are choosing Remember, you can either choose Nike and Adidas OR Starbucks and Patagonia. I’ve linked to their social impact sites below so you don’t have to hunt them down…OPTION 1: Nike social impact site (Links to an external site.) and Adidas social impact site (Links to an external site.)OPTION 2: Starbucks social impact site (Links to an external site.) and Patagonia social impact site This is where you must submit your final essay on brand activism. Please make sure your thesis is underlined before proceeding. Also, your paper must be in proper MLA format. It should be 5 pages plus a Works Cited page.Once you have checked on these things, you are ready to submit your final essay. To do so, please click the “Submit Assignment” blue button on the right side of the screen above. Refer to the “File Upload” section to upload your document as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf.RubricPaper 1 RubricPaper 1 RubricCriteriaRatingsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroductionOpen up your essay in a creative way. Provide general background on brand activism from the articles we have read. Also, briefly summarize each company’s social impact approach and the specific videos at hand, considering purpose, genre, audience and context.Not YetSatisfactoryStrongThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesisEstablish a clear thesis that states the major points you will make in your rhetorical analysis of the videos. It should explain the major rhetorical moves you will discuss and which video you feel is more impactful and why. It should have all 5 qualities of a strong thesisNot YetSatisfactoryStrongThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysisAnalyze and evaluate the key rhetorical choices in each video. Demonstrate a critical comprehension of both videos and discuss both strengths and weaknesses. Make sure not to just name/label rhetorical appeals and strategies but explain WHY they make the video impactful or WHY they don’t. Demonstrate a close rhetorical analysis that exhibits depth rather than quantity of points.Not YetSatisfactoryStrongThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidenceIncorporate visual and auditory evidence—concrete examples from the videos—to support your analysis. Offer more than one example to support your points when possible. Effectively summarize and comment on this evidence. Bringing in the unit articles and overarching brand websites is optional in the body of your essay.Not YetSatisfactoryStrongThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganizationUse an effective structure that smoothly guides the reader from one idea to the next through the use of thoughtful transitioning. Each paragraph should serve a clear, specific purpose and tie back to the overall thesis. Organize by video or by point.Not YetSatisfactoryStrongThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanicsThoroughly proofread your paper, avoiding grammatical and punctuation-related errors. Adhere to MLA format and the length requirement, including a Works Cited page.Not YetSatisfactoryStrongThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusionThoughtfully conclude your discussion. Remind readers of your major points, and comment on the significance of understanding brand activism and/or rhetoric.Not YetSatisfactoryStrongThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStyleWrite for an educated audience unfamiliar with the articles and brands’ social impact content. Avoid informal language and wordiness. Aim for sentence variety, clarity and an assertive tone.Not YetSatisfactoryStrong
Requirements: 5 pages

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