Now apply what you have learned regarding computer security to your IoT concept and devices.

Posted: July 4th, 2022

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The goal of this project is to improve on your IoT concept using your new knowledge. Reflect on your Module 1 Independent Project and your IoT design and plan. Now that you have a frame of reference for the concepts of computers in society, computer ethics, and computer security, you will need to apply that frame to your IoT design and plan.
1. Consider your IoT concept and devices and run every aspect of it through each of the ten commandments of computer ethics. Are there violations, existing or potential? How can you fix or prevent the violations? Write your findings out in well-formed paragraphs.
2. Now apply what you have learned regarding computer security to your IoT concept and devices. What are the potential risks? How can they be mitigated or avoided altogether? Write your findings out in well-formed paragraphs.
3. Submit your responses to items one and two in well-formed sentences and paragraphs. Be sure to cite sources used.
4. Also attach a copy of your Module

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