Once you have received feedback on your essay, review and revise to prepare the essay for submission

Posted: July 9th, 2022

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Once you have received feedback on your essay, review and revise to prepare the essay for submission. You should incorporate the feedback you have received. Your process for revision depends largely on your own strengths and challenges as a writer.
Once you have completed a revised draft of your research review essay, you will draft an author’s note to accompany it.
Write an author’s note that includes these two components:
Stage of Development: In this part of your author’s note, discuss your writing process for the essay.
Writer’s Assessment: In this part of the author’s note, evaluate your essay, focusing on the assignment instructions and specific competencies for each assessment.
Refer directly to the essay to support your evaluation.
Each component should be at least one paragraph, but the length varies depending on the assignment and the writer’s process.
Of Note: The feedback was very positive. The only thing was to change how the authors are introduced ie. including the first and last name during the first introduction in the paper. (I changed this already). The only thing needed is the author note. Thank you!

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