Please choose a communication medium and discuss how the general public reacted to it

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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Please choose a communication medium and discuss how the general public reacted to it when it was first available. Be sure to compare how it is received today, using either peer-reviewed research or professional journalism.
Please answer the question above in one APA style page (double spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman, 1” margins) and upload your response in a .doc or .docx or .pdf document. Note that google docs and pages are not good formats since we can’t open them to read your paper.
Points will be deducted if your response is longer than one page. Please provide a succinct but thorough response. Learning to write within a word limit is a valuable skill.
Be sure to include references in APA format. References and title pages do not count against your word limit. You should start with a title page, then have your one-page response, then have a reference page.
Please use the slides attached, and refer to them. As they are lecture material.

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