Please create a 10-slide Power Point presentation about statistics in assessment. 

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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This assignment is designed to help you explore and articulate the basic statistics used in psychological assessment (course learning goal #3).  For success with this assignment, you should include what you learned through the week’s reading assignments and instructional video
Please create a 10-slide Power Point presentation about statistics in assessment.  There should be 8 slides of text, plus a title slide and a reference slide.  Each slide should contain 3-4 bullet points of content (complete sentences are not necessary, but the bullet points should each contain enough text to sufficiently communicate your thoughts).  Each slide should contain examples and also visual graphics to enhance the presentation.  Please follow the guidelines below to structure your presentation:
Slide 1: title slide
Slide 2: introduction.  This slide should provide an overview of psychological assessment.  The basic concepts of assessment should be described.  Examples of when assessment can be used/helpful should be discussed.  Theoretical ideas about how assessment has been developed and how it is utilized professionally and ethically should be discussed.
Slides 3-4: validity.  These slides should discuss validity.  A definition of validity should be provided, along with a description of how validity is used in psychological assessment.  Why is it important?  The various types of validity should be defined and discussed.  Examples should be provided.
Slides 5-6: reliability.  These slides should discuss reliability.  A definition of reliability should be provided, along with a description of how reliability is used in psychological assessment.  Why is it important?  The various types of reliability should be defined and discussed.  Examples should be provided.
Slides 7-8: literature review.  These slides should discuss the findings from 3 peer-reviewed articles of your choice.  If you are interested in cognitive assessment, feel free to highlight the findings from 3 articles related to cognitive assessment.  If you are interested in personality assessment, feel free to discuss those findings.  These slides should incorporate the statistics used in the articles.  For example, did article #1 use inter-rater reliability?  Or test-retest reliability?  Or another type of reliability?  What did they use in the study, and how did it contribute to the success of the article’s findings?
Slide 9: faith integration and conclusion.  This slide should discuss the connection between the Christian message and psychological assessment.  What does Scripture have to say about assessment or testing?  Provide examples and discuss your concluding thoughts about assessment.
Slide 10: References, listed in APA format.
Your presentation should be in proper APA format (if you are unsure of APA formatting, please reference the materials provided in the Week 0 learning activity).  Your presentation should include at least 3 peer-reviewed references, which should be cited on slides 7-8, plus other slides as necessary.  You are welcome to use the Frey text and any published journal articles.  Websites are not considered valid references in academic work.  A great place to find peer-reviewed journal articles is the Social Sciences Full Text database provided through the CBU library website:  

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