Please do a paper of at least three pages on the question posed below.

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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Please do a paper of at least three pages on the question posed below.
All papers must be in APA formatting.
If you do not know the requirements of APA formatting, please review this site: (Links to an external site.)
The title page does not count as your required three pages.
Give your paper a distinctive title!
Tell me the differences between simple negligence, product liability and strict liability in tort.
Define each
Tell me how they differ
Your paper should use APA formatting.
If you need to know what APA formatting is, please review this great page (Links to an external site.)
Your paper should use APA formatting.
If you need to know what APA formatting is, please review this great page (Links to an external site.)
Your paper should be at least 3 pages long. The title page does not count as a page

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