Please do not take this project on unless all sets are done correctly.

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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Please do not take this project on unless all sets are done correctly. Please write the Main Discussion Board in about 200 words. I will attach the instructions for this called “Main DB instructions.” This is due Wednesday the 27th. Once I submit the main DB, I will upload two students’ posts to which you will need to reply with two sentences. The replies to the classmates are due by Sunday the 31st. This should total 275 words. Please do not write over 200 words on the main DB because I will not pay extra for another page to be done for the replies. Please have one reference from the book I attached below. If you submit the paper early I won’t be able to provide you with the two classmates’ posts until the 26th or 27th. Please include 1 reference from the book attached below Griffith, Brian, A., and Ethan B. Dunham. Working in Teams Chapter 5.
See all the reading material.

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