Please explain the effect TNF-alpha has on the cells alone

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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The first graph shows the cell viability assay at 60 minutes, showing the absorbance of live human-derived immortalised HaCaT cells.
The second graph shows the cell viability assay at 180 minutes, showing the absorbance of live human-derived immortalised HaCaT cells.
The third graph shows a protein blot quantification of the proteins actin, P105 and P50, where actin is the control.
I was hoping you could help me write the result and discussion section of the essay. Please explain the effect TNF-alpha has on the cells alone, the effect oyster shell powder has on the cells alone, and the effect on the cells with oyster shell powder and TNF alpha.
Please also discuss the results from the blot quantification in figure 3.
Please use detailed references and the results from figure 3 explaining the effect of oyster shell powder on P105 and P50 gene expression

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