Please prepare a police report concerning the video scenario.

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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Written Assignment: Clear & Concise Writing Style
Below is a video link containing an almost 5-minute video previously aired on the A&E Program “Live PD.” Please prepare a police report concerning the video scenario. Since there isn’t a mandated format to prepare a report, prepare the report via chronological order from the female officer’s perspective. Use clear and concise language. There is additional information to assist you such as the location and names of those involved. Here are facts that can be included, if available:
· The 5 W’s: who, what, when, where, why
· Evidence collected 
· Pictures taken
· Statements of witnesses, the victim and even the suspect.
· Property recovered
· Any facts needed to be documented in the case
Additionally, because we talked about follow-up tasks and technology this week, include an additional paragraph at the end with the following:
– Any follow-up tasks you would perform (if any)
– At least one piece of technology that could assist in this scenario, and why
Video Link:
Pertinent information:
Date and Time:
Friday, February 24, 2020 @ 4:00 PM
Ended in front of 1608 33rd Avenue North, Birmingham, Alabama
Corporal Deanna Marshal 
Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, in Birmingham, Alabama  
Blue Nissan Versa  
Alabama Registration Plate: 2FST4YOU
Black Female, Red Hair 

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