Please submit your summary in a Word document and the handout in a separate word document

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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 Part 1 
Research a minimum of three (3) job search titles within your field of study using O*Net and online job boards. One (1) should be Job Connect and the other a preferred job board that you select.
Job Connect: 
Use two (2) online resources of your choosing to assess average salary ranges for those same job titles based on your skills and qualifications.
Part 2
Compare your skill sets and knowledge base with the defined skills and requirements for each researched job title from the activity that you completed. Use the handout attached below to complete your assessment.
Summarize (use at least 1-2 paragraphs) how these defined skills align with your personal and professional skillsets. Remember that your field-related courses provide a knowledge-base that can translate into certain field-related skills.
NOTE: In the submission, please submit your summary in a Word document and the handout in a separate word document

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