Please use this and the details below to complete the Essay

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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Business Stimulation
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Please use this and the details below to complete the Essay its a resit and I don’t wanna fail
Dear teams,
The simulation is now completed and I hope that you are now in your teams getting together to prepare and complete the teams recorded performance report and 500 words summary. This video is 10-12 minutes, and do read the criteria in the intro slide for the structure. This report and summary needs to uploaded tmrw to the padlet link which I had provided. I trust that you are all working together. Once these are uploaded then as a team you need to complete the peer review and summary for the allocated team. The peer review report and summary needs to be uploaded by Monday 18 July. This is the same day for your submission of the individual reflective template.
Good luck and all the best in completing A2.

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