Please write a 1-page paper after analyzing Orlando Health’s Form 990 during the calendar year of 2018

Posted: June 6th, 2022

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Please write a 1-page paper after analyzing Orlando Health’s Form 990 during the calendar year of 2018 to include the following:Professional Writing Style (write like you are preparing a report to the CEO)
1st Paragraph: Provide an overview of what a Form 990 is, what key financial statements are included within this report and a high-level summary of your findings regarding Orlando Health’s financial status.
2nd – 4th Paragraphs: Please choose 1 ratio per paragraph (3 total ratios) and explain how you calculated it (explain the formula and then show the values), how the calculated ratio compares to the industry benchmark, and what does the value tell you about the organization.
Your paper should be formatted to abide by the following guideline:
12 point, Arial Narrow Font
Paragraph Spacing
0 pt Before
6 pt After
1.5 Line Spacing
1 Inch Margins (Normal)
No sources are required
Do not include a title or your name & class info within the paper
1-page min & max (fill up the entire page, do not go over 1 page)
Professional Writing Style (write like you are preparing a report to the CEO)
No Grammatical Errors
Appropriate paragraph format, no bullets, lists, or graphs
Do not add a blank line between paragraphs
Must submit as a Microsoft Word file, NO PDFs are allowed
Grading rubric: 30 for 1 full page length, 10 for formatting & grammar, 15 points per paragraph (10 for including the correct content, 5 for accuracy)

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