Please write a background on the resistance to adopting telemedicine faced by healthcare providers

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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Please write a background on the resistance to adopting telemedicine faced by healthcare providers and geriatric patients. The three barriers to focus on are: new technology resistance, affordability, and trust. For each barrier, please answer the following: (1) What is the barrier problem faced by providers and geriatrics? (2) What caused this barrier for providers and geriatrics? (3) Why is it interesting? (4) Why is this barrier challenging for health care leaders/management?
Please cite reputable sources to provide evidence about the three selected barriers (no source limit). Please provide both qualitative and quantitative data. If available, please provide charts/graphs in the appendix. All sources will be checked for accuracy. The goal is to motivate readers by convincing them of the importance of the topic. Please dive straight into describing the barriers. No introduction needed because this is the middle section of a bigger report. Do not offer any strategies or recommendations. Thank you so much!

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