Please write a paper analyzing a contemporary legal issue relevant to politics or business.

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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— Please write a paper analyzing a contemporary legal issue relevant to politics or business. As a guide, I expect about 3 double-spaced, typed pages (not including the title page, works cited). — You may choose a case that is pending before the U.S. Supreme Court or one that has been recently decided (see Else, you may focus on a piece of legislative or regulatory action in areas such as data privacy, artificial intelligence, or even the impact of COVID-19 on certain sectors of the economy and/or resulting liability. You are certainly not limited to these suggested topics. If you are unsure about a topic, feel free to email me to check. — In your paper, please address the following: • provide some background on your chosen topic and its significance to law and business • summarize some of the key points/issues surrounding your topic • briefly describe any differences in views or lack of consensus relating to your topic area • conclude with your own take or insight on the topic — Please provide a list of “Works Cited” – proper references and citations are important to include (e.g., APA style)—see . A minimum of two reputable sources are expected to be consulted.

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