Prepare a document that lists each reference you intend to use in your project

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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Although the capstone project is based on a problem-and-solution scenario, some research into the topic area of your project will be necessary. This assignment requests that you supply a preliminary list of references that will be used in the preparation of your paper. The references may include scholarly sources, such as prior research published in journals, or papers or resources from industry or technology websites. You will provide a short annotation for each reference, summarizing the content of the article. Your references should include literature related to the problem, historical research and discussion of the problem, and potential solutions that may exist in the technology field.
Identify a set of technology issues or concerns associated with a real-world information technology infrastructure.
Explore potential solutions to varying types of real-life technology issues in the business environment.
Design a solution that will resolve an identified technology issue.
Demonstrate the ability to use appropriate communication strategies to convey a solution to a real-life technology issue.
Prepare a document that lists each reference you intend to use in your project, along with an annotation of each item (in the form of an annotated bibliography).
The references should be in APA 7th edition format. Follow each reference with a paragraph that gives a summary of the article you are referencing.

For questions on APA style, go to the OCLS APA Style Page.

You should have at least five references by this point in the development of your project.

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