Prepare a mind map of the business venture project you created in this course.

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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For this SLP assignment, you will first review the literature provided regarding mind mapping in project management. Then, prepare a mind map of the business venture project you created in this course.
Business venture is McDonalds.
Hoz. (2019, August 2). How to create a mind map [Video]. YouTube. Standard YouTube license.
Huang, S. (2020, May 18). Mind map tutorial: My secret for project management [Video]. YouTube. Standard YouTube license.
Young, C. J. (2019). Mind mapping in 6 simple steps for business development. Industrial and Systems Engineering at Work, 51(12), 34-38. Available in the Trident Online Library.
Keys to the Assignment
Your mind map should be prepared in a professional manner and be accompanied with slides that explain your analysis in the development of the mind map. The 4- to 5-slide count does not include the cover or reference list slides. There is no limit on the maximum number of slides you can have in your presentation. If you follow the “five words and a picture” rule for each slide, you will likely have more than five slides.
The PowerPoint presentation for this assignment must include voice-overs and speaker notes.
Explain your analysis orally, using terminology and concepts introduced in this module.
Include a cover slide and reference slide with your assignment submission.
Cite all sources for definitions of terminology and provide a reference list using APA format. Sources for definitions should always come from peer-reviewed research articles or textbooks; no dictionaries or encyclopedias.
Presentations should be edited and error-free.

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