Prepare an executive business plan overview for the global small business for the Board of Directors

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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After the meeting of the Board of Directors, the Chairwoman of the Board calls you into her office. She offers you a cup of coffee and is impressed with the information that you presented in the meeting and your understanding of new ventures. She says:
“We’re ready to invest in a new generation of business leaders. There is so much talent arising from business schools, and the passion for entrepreneurism, innovation, and business excellence helps to build a strong economy. I’d like you to work with a multicultural team of entrepreneurs to develop a global small business.
You will need to prepare an executive business plan overview for the global small business for the Board of Directors, a brand logo, and a prospective commercial that could be used to advertise the global small business’s product or service. If the global small business idea is successful, the Board of Directors may approve startup funding of up to $1 million.”
Using the resources in the CTU Library, research entrepreneurism and small businesses, and create an executive business plan using this template (I’ve attached the template file) that includes the following:
Company Information: The name and background of your global small business including founders, history, current number of employees, and location.
Mission Statement: The purpose of your global small business.
Product or Service: A description of the products or services that your global small business will offer.
Company Logo: An original creative graphic that identifies your company or brand.
Market: The market for your global small business, including regions served and competitors.
Advertising: Prepare a description of an original, creative commercial for the products or services offered; Include what advertising medium you would use (Social Media, TV, Radio, for example) and include the identified target audience
Financials: The projected operational financial needs for your organization and the potential investments needed.
Growth Potential: The projected financial and market growth of the company for the next 5 years.
Provide a reference list of up to 3 resources at the end of your project of the resources you have found in the CTU Library, and include in-text citations for the articles in APA format.

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