Provide a cost/benefit analysis for your idea.

Posted: July 4th, 2022

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Provide a cost/benefit analysis for your idea. Make sure to mention any sunk or opportunity costs involved in the implementation of this program as well as the long-term increase in projected profitability. You are permitted to use fictional numbers as far as costs go, but you should provide research to support any opportunity costs or projected profitability. You can find industry averages for various program costs and projected benefits.
This does not need to be written as a formal research paper, but all research provided does need to be cited in APA format. You may write in the first person because you are presenting your own ideas. You do not need to provide an abstract, but you do need an APA formatted title page and reference page. Your paper should be a minimum of 2 pages (approx. 700 words) not including the title and reference.
I attached my first essay to provide what information should be analyzed. My fictitious company has 30 employees and 5 managerial staff.
Please let me know if you need anything and thank you in advance!

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