Provide a well-formulated response to the posed question(s).

Posted: July 1st, 2022

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You will be provided a case study to read, understand, and provide a well-formulated response to the posed question(s). You have 2 weeks from the time the discussion board is open to post. Your post to the discussion board must be formatted with ALL of the following:
i have attched the case study and the questions
1) Be two (2) paragraphs or longer of material.
2) Respond to all of the questions listed.
3) Provide a question of your own. Your question can be related to the article or the lecture material, as it relates to the article. You are not required to respond to your classmates but you can.
4) Provide properly formatted APA citations (in-text and reference list) for all sources used (especially the article that was provided).

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