Research and summarize a historic US flash flooding event

Posted: July 1st, 2022

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part1 (Hurricane Harvey)
.Research and summarize a historic US flash flooding event, OR summarize a personal experience involving a flash flood. Then, connect the historic event or your experiences to a) the characteristics of thunderstorms that cause flash flooding, and b) the dangerous aspects of being caught in a flash flood. The National Weather Service’s Flood Safety website (NWS) (Links to an external site.) summarizes the dangerous aspects of flash floods to humans, including the meaning behind the National Weather Service weather safety slogan “Turn around, don’t drown!”.
part 2.(JOPLIN, MISSOURI, May 22, 2011)
Research and summarize a historic US tornado outbreak, OR summarize a personal experience involving a tornado. Then, connect the historic event or your experiences to a) the factors involved in tornadic supercell thunderstorm development, and b) the dangerous aspects of tornadoes.
part 3(June 25, 2006, Piper PA-34 Seneca)
Research and summarize an aircraft crash OR an incident not involving a crash, in which a thunderstorm played a direct role in the cause. Then, explain the specific processes taking place in the thunderstorm that created the aviation-specific hazard contributing to the crash or incident.

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