Research each assignment context on the internet in order to provide in-depth answers

Posted: July 18th, 2022

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Research each assignment context on the internet in order to provide in-depth answers and a minimum of 3 resources.  There is a a grading criteria is available below that explains how your answers will be graded.  Remember to provide in-text citations for both paraphrased and quoted testimony from you experts.  When inserting a direct quote, remember to include either a page number or, if a web-based resource, use a paragraph number.  If you need to brush up on APA7, two resources are included as attachments to help you format references and citations.
Two examples of in-text citations are included below…
Direct quote example: Smith (2018) proposed “All citations must include a page or paragraph number” (p. 18).
Paraphrase example:  Smith (2018) advised students to include a page or paragraph number whenever paraphrasing.

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