Select 2-3 learning experiences, describing, in detail, how each experience generally occurs.

Posted: June 7th, 2022

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Select 2-3 learning experiences, describing, in detail, how each experience generally occurs.
Examples of learning experiences one might consider are learning to ride a bike, learning a new language, learning to bake a cake, to name a few.
In describing each learning experience, identify at least 4 specific brain structures or functions that contribute to or impede the selected learning processes.
For each identified function or structure, describe and define the structure of the brain and purpose, with detail.

Include a diagram, a process model, or provide another visual representation of the brain structures and functions depicting accurate examples of the structural changes that might occur or steps in the process of the learning tasks selected.

As a major purpose of the work is to demonstrate an understanding of the brain structures related to learning processes, close your work with a succinct summary of the major aspects of the topic from the learning experiences you selected.

Share your conclusions as a result of completing this project; how is the knowledge you have gained useful to the field of cognitive psychology, the larger field of psychology, and society overall?

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