Share a 2-3 page document articulating your global leadership philosophy.

Posted: July 9th, 2022

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This assignment should be delivered in a manner that represents who you are becoming as a professional in your chosen career field, * ((Entrepreneurship, for a business. More specifically running a Restaurant.))* reflecting the impact you intend to contribute in the global community as a professional with leadership development knowledge and skills reflective of what you have learned in this course.

PROMPT: As part of the interview process for a job in your chosen career field the search committee has asked you to share a 2-3 page document articulating your global leadership philosophy. Your philosophy should connect discipline specific knowledge and leadership perspectives with class acquired knowledge including, but not limited to the Relational Leadership Model, the Social Change Model, global concepts, the UNSDGs, and other important concepts from the course resources.
Please let me know if you have any questions, Thank you.

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