Should Milton argue to continue scheduling his lab time at night?

Posted: July 9th, 2022

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I will paste directions coming directly from the instructor. If you have any questions about the assignment please let me know and if you need more information for the assignment please let me know. Also, we would normally answer these case studies by telling what we would see wrong with the ethical dilemma.
Instructor instructions:
Review the cases below. You will answer ALL 3 Case Studies. Answer the questions as we have answered like discussion questions in class this semester. Please use critical thinking when answering these questions. Use 50 words or more per answer. Use APA formatting when answering your questions.
Points will be deducted if instructions are not followed.
Case 1: Student-Mentor Relationship
Milton France, an undergraduate senior research student, is seen less and less during the day by his mentor and other members of the laboratory. It becomes apparent to Dr. Wise, his mentor, that France has been working long hours during the evenings and nights when the lab is predominantly empty. Dr. Wise does not think this is a good habit and approaches France about spending more time “during regular working hours” in the lab. He argues that interaction between France and other students and faculty is essential to his development as a scientist, not to mention the safety issues involved. He is also concerned that no one else is around to monitor the student’s activities and procedures, to make sure they are done correctly. France argues that the instrument he needs is continuously in use during the day, making his progress extremely slow. He claims he can work more efficiently at night and obtain results faster. Both Dr. Wise and Milton France hold tight to their arguments, and over the next several days the situation between them grows tense.
1. Should Milton argue to continue scheduling his lab time at night?
2. Is Dr. Wise reasonable in his demands?
3. What research ethics issues are involved in this case, if any?
4. What avenues might be pursued to bring about a resolution of this conflict?
Case 2: Record-Keeping (the research notebook) (part 1)
Two lab students have recently completed the analysis of different medications by TLC (thin-layer chromatography). After developing his TLC plate, one student, Markus, sketches the results of his plate in his notebook, indicating the retention times and distances in the margin. He also notes the solvents used to both develop and spot the plate in addition to the type of TLC plate. Markus then throws the plate in the appropriate waste container, obtains the TA’s signature, and leaves the lab early.
Vivian, in an effort to get out of the lab earlier, tapes the developed TLC plate directly into her notebook, obtains the TA’s signature, and heads home to finish her write-up. Several days later, Vivian notices that her TLC plate no longer exhibits the data (separation) she observed in the lab the other day. Unfortunately, she did not record the details before the chemical test results deteriorated on her plate. . Fortunately she remembers where the different spots were. She decides to add this information and proceed with the write-up (it’s due tomorrow after all and med schools do not like to see low grades in organic chemistry).
1. Is she justified in proceeding this way?
2. What alternatives does she have?
Case 3: Managing Research Records
Michael is a researcher involved in some very cutting-edge experimentation. He keeps meticulous notes and is always able to prove and explain his experiments. However, no one can understand these notes without Michael’s presence- he uses a system of symbols and abbreviations, and shorthand that only he can understand. His colleagues often get angry with him, since they need to schedule time-consuming meetings with Michael to discuss his work, as opposed to reading it on their own. Lots of people are interested in his work, and he does not always have time to discuss it with everyone who asks for a meeting. Many disgruntled scientists say that Michael has an obligation to keep records that are more accessible. Michael argues that his notes are an accurate representation of his work and that keeping them in that way allows him to work more easily and efficiently, with less error.
1. Is he justified? Why or why not?

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