Submit a 2-3-page paper in which you continue to build the marketing plan for your t-shirt company

Posted: July 18th, 2022

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Submit a 2-3-page paper in which you continue to build the marketing plan for your t-shirt company in the apparel industry. This paper will consist of three sections: B2B or B2C business, wants and needs, and societal marketing. Your paper needs to be in APA format, include a title page, and a reference list.
Section 1: T-shirt Company as a B2B or B2C (2-3 paragraphs)
Identify your company as a B2B or B2C market
If you select B2C, include an analysis of consumer buying behavior. If you select B2B, include an analysis of business buying behavior.
Section 2: Wants and Needs (2-3 paragraphs)
Identify the needs from the consumer perspective for your product
Section 3: Societal Marketing (2-3 paragraphs)
Identify the societal marketing contributions
Describe how it will benefit society’s interest
Describe how this will relate to the buyer

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