Submit a 2-page paper outlining a hypothetical needs assessment

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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To prepare for this Assignment, review the needs assessment plans that you and your classmates generated for this week’s Discussion. Also, review the logic models that you created in Week 7 and any literature on needs of caregivers that you used to generate them. Consider the following to stimulate your thinking:
Getting information about the needs of the target population:
Who would informants be?
What is your purpose for interacting with them?
What questions would you ask?
What method would you use (interview, focus group, questionnaire)?
Finding potential clients:
Who would informants be?
What is your purpose for interacting with them?
What questions would you ask?
What method would you use?
Interacting with the target population:
Who would informants be?
What is your purpose for interacting with them?
What questions would you ask?
What method would you use?
By Day 7
Submit a 2-page paper outlining a hypothetical needs assessment related to the support group program for caregivers. Include the following:
1.The resources needed to operate this service
2.The program activities
3.The desired outcomes
4.A plan for gathering information about the population served
5.Justifications for your plans and decisions
6.A one-paragraph conclusion describing how you might conduct a follow-up to the needs assessment at the implementation stage of the program evaluation

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