Submit a 5-7 page paper summarizing the interview, observations, and capital inventory.

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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Students will build on the work in Assignment 1 by collecting qualitative data about their selected community, using the same guiding questions. Students will complete a recorded oral history with a member of that community, conduct a community observation, and compile a list of community capitals. Submit a 5-7 page paper summarizing the interview, observations, and capital inventory. Include a narrative addressing the research questions and describing what these data tell you about the community. Include a link to the video or audio recording.
Oral History
● Summarize background research on the community.
● List open-ended questions prepared in advance of the oral history to guide the conversation.
● Identify the participant(s), the date/time and location, the name(s) of key informants
● Summarize the responses, bringing in the community member’s own words to the extent possible. Use illustrative quotes to bring alive for the reader the story told and its relevance to your research.
● Record in video or audio format, either in-person or via Zoom and provide a link to the recording in your report.
Field Observation
● Discuss the specific methodologies used for field observation (reference course readings). These should be clearly articulated and lend themselves to answering the research questions proposed
● Report your field observations in two ways: (1) objective observation and (2) subjective thoughts, reflections, and questions.
Capitals Inventory
● Communities are filled with strengths to be uncovered and connected. Based on your oral history and observation, generate a list that includes 2-3 examples of each of the seven types of community capital that exist in your selected community as described by Emery & Flora (2006):
○ Social
○ Human
○ Cultural
○ Natural
○ Built
○ Financial
○ Political

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