Submit a brief detailing why he should send B to a faith-based drug program instead of prison.

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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You are a Defense Attorney. You have been asked to represent a minor charged with multiple drug-related offenses. The facts of the case are as follows:
A minor (“B”) is 17 years old. He dropped out of high school at age 16. At first, B only used drugs. Now, B both uses drugs and sells them to others. B was arrested by the police after one of his customers nearly died from a fentanyl overdose. When B was arrested, he confessed to both using and selling illegal drugs. B also named his drug suppliers and his cooperation led to several other arrests, resulting in the breakup of a major drug ring. B was charged with the use and distribution of cocaine, methamphetamine, oxycontin, and fentanyl.
B pleaded guilty to all charges. During the sentencing phase, You called a number of character witnesses to speak on B’s behalf. The character witnesses noted that although B’s life had taken a downward spiral after he dropped out of school and started selling drugs, he had shown genuine remorse since his arrest and was willing to do whatever it took to turn his life around.
The Juvenile Court Judge must decide whether to sentence B to imprisonment or to an alternative form of punishment.
As B’s defense counsel, you petition the Court to send B to faith-based drug treatment and rehabilitation program In lieu of prison.
The Judge requires you to submit a brief detailing why he should send B to a faith-based drug program instead of prison. Using any resource available to you, including your textbook, please draft a brief arguing why B should receive an alternative sentence instead of imprisonment.

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