Submit a recorded PowerPoint presentation with 10–12 slides.

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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o complete this project, you must submit the following:
Part One: Change Readiness/Needs Assessment Audit Report
Submit a 2- to 3-page Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.
Part Two: Change Management Plan
Submit a 7- to 9-page Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.
Part Three: Change Management Communication Plan and Change Continuity Recommendations
Change Management Communication Plan (Presentation)
Submit a recorded PowerPoint presentation with 10–12 slides. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.
Note: Remember to use both on-screen text and narration or speaker notes in your PowerPoint slides to convey your information effectively. For example, you can use brief, bulleted lists on the slide and include detailed explanations in your narration or speaker notes. A resource explaining how to add narration to your presentation can be found under “Supporting Materials” below.
Executive Letter
Submit 2- to 3-page Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.

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