Submit a two-page reflection on either Luis Bunuel’s Belle de Jour (1968)) or Takashi Miike’s 13 Assassins (2010)

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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You will submit a two-page reflection on either Luis Bunuel’s Belle de Jour (1968)) or Takashi Miike’s 13 Assassins (2010). Watch them on Kanopy. (Links to an external site.) Answer the following question: How does sound design help or hinder the narrative in your chosen film?
Be sure to use specific details and relate to your textbook or external sources. If you don’t cite Prince to support your arguments, you will not get full credit.
You must follow APA Format; make sure you have a title page, abstract and citations.
Do not use terms like “personally,” “I think,” “I feel.”
Do not write a review of the film.
Don’t use first person point-of-view.
Treat reflections as if they were short essays. Avoid a casual, chatty, gossipy tone.
Each reflection will be submitted to the Assignment Dropbox link within Canvas

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