Suggest ways a human service program leader can manage the competing demands of bureaucratic standards

Posted: July 15th, 2022

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Dynamics of Human Service Program Management
Individuals who enter into a human service area of practice often start from an altruistic perspective and a desire to help a particular population. Getting into the field and discovering value incongruence and the high level of bureaucratic demands—regardless of whether the organization is a government, nonprofit, or for-profit human service organization—can result in disillusionment or departure from the field.
In your initial post, suggest ways a human service program leader can manage the competing demands of bureaucratic standards. What actions can leaders or managers take to help service delivery personnel retain motivation and job satisfaction?
Response Guidelines
Read the posts of the other learners and respond to two. Respond to the learners’ reflections about fostering motivation. Use text concepts, relevant research, and professional or practical experiences to support your responses.
Learning Components
This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:
Examine common factors and forces that can affect the functioning of human services organizations.
Identify common leadership challenges resulting from forces and factors affecting the human services environment.
Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.

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