The impact of Medicaid managed care on health service utilization among adults with intellectual disabilities

Posted: June 30th, 2022

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The selected article is by Yamaki et al. (2019) that is focused on the examination of how the utilization of the services at the emergency department, inpatient hospitalization, and the primary care physician changes as people with intellectual and development disabilities (IDD) transition from fee-for-service to Medicaid managed care (MMC). The findings of this study reveal that MMC leads to a reduction in the use of services such as the emergency departmental services, the inpatient hospitalization services, and the primary care physicians (Yamaki et al., 2019). The study shows a substantial drop in emergency departmental visitations due to the decrease in the visits for the treatment of mental or behavioral health conditions.  
In this case, these conditions can be considered non-emergent and can be managed under community-based health services. The study outcomes reveal that the utilization of the healthcare services by the people with intellectual and development disabilities is associated with their health needs and the delivery models that offer health services for these conditions.  
Usually, the conditions such as mental/behavioral health conditions do not present with severe symptoms, and sometimes, it becomes hard to detect whether a person has these conditions. Therefore, this makes it impossible to have an early diagnosis and effective treatment. The situation is worsened as the chances of having access to essential services by these services is reduced. The assumption that mental/behavioral health conditions are manageable at home leads to increased disparity in healthcare access amongst these individuals (Yamaki et al., 2019). Many people are likely to suffer from undiagnosed mental health conditions since the community-based health services sometimes lack proper services for diagnosis and treatment, and some do not have adequate mental health providers. 
Yamaki, K., Wing, C., Mitchell, D., Owen, R., & Heller, T. (2019). The impact of Medicaid managed care on health service utilization among adults with intellectual disabilities. Intellectual and developmental disabilities, 57(4), 289-306. (Links to an external site.) 

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