The last 2 picture I included are my answer for an exam question that i got 100% on so hopefully that can give u an idea on how to do the essay?

Posted: July 4th, 2022

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i’ve included a picture of the directions for this scholarly intervention but here are some extra things i’d like to be included in the paper: we’re supposed to include footnotes at the bottom of the page, 4 readings that i found most interesting/ beneficial in the class (all 4 have to be included in some way), and here are some keyword suggestions: critical criminology, criminology, capitalism, patriarchy of the wage, primitive accumulation, criminalization of the working class, racial capitalism, abolish/ defund community control, broken windows policing, protective policing, urban violence. ?- Those were just suggestions of keywords/ concepts that can be used in the essay, but only 4 have to be included (and italicized or bolded). The last 2 picture I included are my answer for an exam question that i got 100% on so hopefully that can give u an idea on how to do the essay?

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