The Nature of Sex Crimes in the United States, Sex Crimes and the Law, Sexual Deviance, Rape

Posted: July 9th, 2022

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Theme(s): The Nature of Sex Crimes in the United States, Sex Crimes and the Law, Sexual Deviance, Rape
Matierals to Draw From: Chapters 1,2,3, 4
Prompt(s)– Answer THREE (3) out of the FOUR (4) questions:
1. Chapter 1 explains the statistical reporting of sex offenses through the NCVS and the UCR. 1). Explain what the difference is between these two sources of information and 2). How valid are these sources/ why is this a problem
2. Discuss the goals of law. How do laws about sex crimes meet these goals?
3. In Chapter 3, there was some information about paraphilia that was discussed. Pick one and find a media source or a peer-reviewed journal article that provides further information AND explain the limitations of research when it comes to studying paraphilias.
4. Discuss ONE typology of rape/ rapists presented in the chapter. What are your thoughts on the limitations and critique of the typology? How would you improve it?
the book needed to complete this assignment is
Sex Offenders and Criminal Justice, Author: Madden, Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Law &
Business; ISBN: 9781454850342

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