The purpose of this project to is offer GED+Esol to those in the local community.

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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the Project name would be Get on Track. The purpose of this project to is offer GED+Esol to those in the local community. This will allow Former students to finish their GED. The ESOL classes would allow those coming from a different country the opportunity to learn English at a reasonable price. By offering these services people can get acclimated quicker by learning english, thus making their transition to the workforce easier by learning english. Ultimately the program would promote the benefits of pursuing their GED in order to have more opportunities for employment. The program would allow drop outs to return to school and complete their GED. With the increase of inflation having a GED/ equivalent H.S diploma and knowledge of the english language has become even more crucial to secure employment and enter the workforce.. By offering these classes, this would give the individual the opportunity to “get on track” and ultimately enter/or renter the workforce.
This program this could be an option to those students that are either high risk, or on the verge or dropping out, or those students that need to work full time, and attend school at night..

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