The role of the three branches of government in the policymaking process

Posted: June 7th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a public health discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Public Health Policythis class is about health policy so please do it related to the topicPURPOSE: To reflect on the role of the three branches of government in the policymaking process
To apply the three phases of policymaking to your review of the roles of the branches of government
To identify a health policy which you find important or interesting
Assignment:Share two committees in either the House or the Senate you would like to be a part of and why? Research two major tasks/accomplishments this committee has done in the last five years. Respond to two of your classmate’s work, reflecting on what you found interesting about their committee or any questions you have for them. Remember that there are two parts to each assignment! When reflecting on what your classmate wrote, consider: 1. How impactful is the accomplishment or policy that has been selected? Does it affect people now or later? Is it enduring? 2. Do you have additional observations on the impact of this policy? Do you think that policy modification will be necessary? This is meant to be a reflection and response.
Please confine your thoughts to only 1-3 paragraphs. I am interested in the quality of your thoughts, not the length.
There is no need for additional reference citations.
GRADING: Clarity of all ideas presented (writing quality – no run-ons, etc.) 20 Quality of the reflection (subject matter chosen as the focus of your reflection): 30 Accurate application of theoretical concepts: 30 Thoughtful response or observation to classmate’s original post: 20 Total 100
Requirements: 1-3 paragraph   |   .doc file

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