To prevent withdrawal Bella must first go to a local detox facility for treatment (cost is not an issue). Where could you refer her locally for detox?

Posted: July 4th, 2022

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Imagine you are a clinical social worker in Boca Raton, FL. You have been assigned Bella as your client. Bella is a 24-year-old woman. You see her for outpatient psychotherapy at a university-based counseling center. She is a graduate student in chemical engineering. Bella tells you she has been missing classes for the past few months and her grades have fallen. Upon further examination you realize that Bella has been abusing opioid medication. The medication was originally prescribed for a back injury that has resolved but she continues to receive it from her doctor. You also learn upon initial assessment Bella experienced a date rape about a year ago and now has the signs of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). You realize Bella is at immediate risk of withdrawal if she is to stop using the pills now. You are tasked with organizing a treatment plan for Bella as she is motivated to address these issues. Please note she is able to travel anywhere in the USA for treatment.
To prevent withdrawal Bella must first go to a local detox facility for treatment (cost is not an issue). Where could you refer her locally for detox?
After detox Bella will need inpatient residential treatment to address her dual diagnosis of Opioid Use Disorder and PTSD. Find an inpatient facility anywhere in the USA that can address both issues.
Bella’s parents need support. They would benefit from an on-going support group for parents of children suffering from addiction. They will not be traveling and live in Miami, FL. While Bella is fluent in both English and Spanish, her parents, who are both Cuban immigrants, only speak Spanish so will need a Spanish speaking group.
For each item identify a provider or resource. Include the provider or resource’s full contact information (including address and phone number) as well as an active link that hyperlinks to their website. In addition to the resource for each item discuss why you think this choice could best serve Bellas’s (or her parents’) identified needs. Be sure to comment on the expertise of the provider or organization in which you plan to make the referral. Write a thorough, substantive paragraph, summarizing why you chose this resource and what it can offer the client. This must be in your words, any “cut and paste” from the websites will be considered plagiarism and will result in a grade of a “zero”. Paper Must Be Written in APA format

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