Turnitin Review: Finished Paper or Presentation, or a Good Draft

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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Step 4: Turnitin Review: Finished Paper or Presentation, or a Good Draft (Sunday, Week 7)
1. Review this information about how to view and use the Turnitin report to improve your writing: https://libguides.umgc.edu/turnitin-students
2. Submit your finished paper (Word document) or presentation (PowerPoint and Word documents), or a good draft of either.
3. Carefully review the Turnitin report. This may include better paraphrasing the information in your own words and/or the addition of quotation marks and in-text citations for any direct quotes. Changing a few words in a sentence obtained from an information source is not enough. Your paper or narration should be fully paraphrased in your own words, your own writing style, and structure. Only use direct quotes when necessary, less than 10% of your paper or narration should be direct quotes.
4. If needed, make revisions. You can resubmit revisions to this assignment folder multiple times if needed.

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